Professor in Information Systems and Management
Computer Science,Computer Science,Information Systems
Short info about job
Company: Northumbria University
Department: Faculty of Business and Law
Salary: Competitive
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Phone: +44-1327 8183135
Fax: +44-1344 2745727
E-mail: N\A
Site: N\A
Detail information about job Professor in Information Systems and Management. Terms and conditions vacancy
Northumbria University, Newcastle is a research-rich, business-focussed, professional university with a global reputation for academic excellence. Located in Newcastle upon Tyne, and with a campus in the heart of London’s financial district, Northumbria University is located in the UK’s best two cities for students. At Northumbria, we are global in our scope and reach, with operations in London, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Singapore, and we remain the largest English provider in Hong Kong. The University continues its strong commitment to internationalism, including its valuable and long-standing links with Europe.
Northumbria is ranked 48th in the Guardian League Table 2018, and ranked in the Top 200 Under-50 global University rankings.
Northumbria's improvement in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework for research power was reported as being the biggest in the country, and within our Business and Management submission over 60 % of our Impact was assessed as either world leading or internationally excellent. Within the Faculty of Business and Law, Newcastle Business School is one of a small group of business schools worldwide that have double AACSB accreditation for both Business and Accounting. We have an outstanding reputation in the delivery of business relevant, research rich education. Many of our business programmes have EPAS accreditation from the European Foundation for Management Development and/or enjoy professional accreditation from a range of professional bodies. By the end of 2015, Newcastle Business School won the prestigious Times Higher Education “Business School of the Year” award.
We are seeking to appoint a Professor in Information Systems and Management. The successful candidate will provide academic teaching and research leadership. Working in a leadership role with about 30 academic colleagues in the Business Analysis Systems and SCM Subject Group, you will make a significant contribution to the development of research, research informed teaching, income generation, and high quality publications to contribute to the 2020 Research Excellence Framework.
As a university leader, you will exemplify our values of collegiality and citizenship and contribute to our research signature areas, particularly the Digital Business Signature Area, further details of which can be found at the following link:
You must have extensive detailed knowledge and subject expertise evidenced by research and consultancy track record, and be able to foster and develop collaborative links with academic, business, third-sector and public sector partners. As well as having a strong publication record and evidence of ability to generate research income, commensurate with the title of Professor, you must have the ability to support, mentor, and empower people in a professional environment.
For an informal discussion about the post, please contact Dr Hesham Al-Sabbahy, Head of Department, on 0191 349 5342 or via email at [email protected]. Alternatively, please contact Professor John Wilson, Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor (Business and Law), on 0191 227 4366 or via email at [email protected].
For further information about this vacancy and for details on how to apply, please visit Northumbria University’s website at the following link:
Northumbria University takes pride in, and values, the quality and diversity of our staff. We welcome applications from all members of the community. The University holds an Athena SWAN (Bronze) award in recognition of our commitment to improving employment practices for the advancement of gender equality and is a member of the Euraxess network, which delivers information and support to professional researchers.
Closing Date: 10th September 2017