Expression of Interest Call for generously funded Hardiman PhD Scholarships
Health and Medical,Medicine and Dentistry,Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology,Medical Technology,Biological Sciences,Biology,Genetics,Physical and Environmental Sciences,Physics and Astronomy,Ocean Sciences,Environmental Sciences,Computer Science,Computer Science,Information Systems,Engineering and Technology,Civil Engineering,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Other Engineering,Economics,Social Sciences and Social Care,Sociology,Social Policy,Social Work,Anthropology,Human and Social Geography,Other Social Sciences,Politics and Government,Languages, Literature and Culture,Languages,Literature,Historical and Philosophical Studies,History,Archaeology,Education Studies (inc. TEFL),Education Studies,Cultural Studies
Short info about job
Hours: Full Time
Type / Role: PhD
Phone: +44-1280 9541595
Fax: +44-1430 4097595
E-mail: N\A
Site: N\A
Detail information about job Expression of Interest Call for generously funded Hardiman PhD Scholarships. Terms and conditions vacancy
Expression of Interest Call For generously funded Hardiman PhD Scholarships at NUI Galway, Ireland.
The Hardiman PhD Scholarships will provide a stipend of €16,000 per annum plus your fees will be paid for four years.
Who are these scholarships for? Students starting their PhD in September 2018. High-achieving dynamic individuals, who are suitably qualified, have an appetite for the research world and creativity, who thrive on intellectual excitement, and who will positively shape the future for all in our society.
RESEARCH AT NUI GALWAY There is a vibrant research community at our university that attracts researchers, academics, entrepreneurs, and students of the highest calibre.
NUI Galway has moved to the top 200 list of Most International Universities in the World in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.
To help you find potential supervisors and identify the key research interests of our academic staff and researchers, use the ‘Search’ facility on the ‘Find a Supervisor/PhD Project’ link at
You can register your ‘Expression of Interest’ for Hardiman PhD scholarships NOW.
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