Lecturer in Engineering Geology
Physical and Environmental Sciences,Geology,Engineering and Technology,Metallurgy and Minerals Technology
Short info about job
Company: University of Leeds
Department: School of Earth and Environment
Salary: please see advert for salary details
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Phone: +44-1271 9426788
Fax: +44-1308 6643676
E-mail: N\A
Site: N\A
Detail information about job Lecturer in Engineering Geology. Terms and conditions vacancy
Are you an academic with proven abilities to carry out teaching and research in Engineering Geology and related topics? Are you passionate about delivering an exceptional student experience in a research-intensive Russell Group University? Do you have ambition to develop an excellent research record and achieve success in obtaining funding?
The School of Earth and Environment is seeking to appoint a Lecturer in Engineering Geology. You will be joining a dynamic environment within the Engineering Geology, Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering grouping at the University of Leeds.
As a Lecturer, you will carry out research, teaching and administrative duties within the School, Faculty and University and contribute to academic leadership in the field of Engineering Geology with an emphasis on geohazards and ground risk for infrastructure. Commitments include contributions to the highly successful postgraduate taught MSc programme in Engineering Geology, as well as on undergraduate programmes in Geosciences. You will also be expected to engage in appropriate administrative duties, as directed by the Head of School.
You will have a PhD in Geology, Engineering Geology, Geotechnical Engineering or a related cognate discipline, with an appropriate background in academia or industrial practice in a relevant subject area. Additionally you will have evidence of leadership skills (e.g., module leadership) and the potential to teach effectively at all levels within higher education. Experience of characterisation of the ground in the field and the ability to build effective partnerships relevant to global challenges for research and teaching are desirable.
To explore the post further or for any queries you may have, please contact:
Dr Jared West, Associate Professor: Hydrogeology
Tel: +44 (0)113 343 5253, email: [email protected]
Dr Bill Murphy, Senior Lecturer in Engineering Geology
Tel: +44 (0)113 343 5232, email: [email protected]
Salary: £39,324 to £46,924 p.a.
Please note that due to funding limitations an appointment will not be made above £39,324
Working Time: 100%
Contract Type: Fixed Term (for 3 years as the post requires specialist skills for a limited period)