Senior Accountant $98-79K Macarthur region?

All vacancies of AustraliaAccountingSenior Accountant $98-79K Macarthur region?

City like firm without the travel into the CBD. Turnovers up to $50M. Future Management role open. 65/35 split advisory to begin. Flexibility.

Summary about this job

Business Services & Corporate Advisory


Location: Sydney

Work type: Full Time

Salary: $98-79K amylee@

Phone: +61-7-4826-9281

Fax: +61-2-3703-8285

E-mail: n\a


Detail information about job Senior Accountant $98-79K Macarthur region?. Terms and conditions vacancy

Confidentially Call or SMS Amy on 0438722264

The Company - 

This growing multiple partner and office firm is one of the leaders in the South West of Sydney. They have a low staff turnover due to the strong internal promotions and structured development that sees all staff continuing to expand their skill set and not do the same clients, same jobs over and over again.

In addition the culture is family friend with flexibility of offer if you need to pop out for an appointment or start late/finish early.

The Role -  

Approximately 65/35 split of compliance and advisory responsibilities. If desired the advisory aspect will increase as you become more confident and comfortable with the client’s business operations ad relationship.

The clients you will typically work with have turnovers around 10-30M and as high as 50M+.

Your future here?

If you have an end goal to one day take on Partnership of a successful firm the Partners here are looking for a strong Senior who can be a future leader of the practice as not only due to growth but future succession planning of one of the more senior Partners will occur.

Location - 

Public transport nearby, otherwise car park is available for. Perfect opportunity for someone wanting to work close to home in the South but not compromise on their career.

Requirements - 

To be considered for this opportunity it is important that you have a 4 or more years of experience as an Accountant within an Australian accounting firm. 

Call or send your CV directly to [email protected] and I will confidentially contact you to discuss further.

With over 10 years of experience helping Accountants with their careers. I can assist in various ways such as:

  • Building your resume
  • Advice on the current market – trends and changes
  • Providing information on opportunities with Big 4, 2nd tier through to boutique firms
  • Discussing roles suitable to specific locations around Sydney 
  • Advising on opportunities in other cities and towns across Australia – I have a team of specialist that work with me to help with relocations
  • Assistance in negotiating salary and benefits

Amy Lee – Accounting Division Manager
(02) 9467 6767 / 0438 722 264
[email protected]

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