PhD Studentship: Highly Efficient Powertrains for Automotive and High Performance Motorsport Industries
Physical and Environmental Sciences,Chemistry,Materials Science,Physics and Astronomy,Other Physical Sciences,Mathematics and Statistics,Mathematics,Computer Science,Computer Science,Engineering and Technology,Civil Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,Aerospace Engineering,Chemical Engineering,Other Engineering
Short info about job
Company: Loughborough University
Hours: Full Time
Type / Role: PhD
Phone: +44-1493 6592864
Fax: +44-1209 6018005
E-mail: N\A
Site: N\A
Detail information about job PhD Studentship: Highly Efficient Powertrains for Automotive and High Performance Motorsport Industries. Terms and conditions vacancy
Dr. Nicholas Morris and Dr. Ramin Rahmani
Loughborough University is a top-ten rated university in England for research intensity (REF2014) and an outstanding 66% of the work of Loughborough’s academic staff who were eligible to be submitted to the REF was judged as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’, compared to a national average figure of 43%.
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Project Detail:
Global warming and climate change are critical global challenges. To reduce the contribution of automotive emissions significant changes to engine technology such as engine downsizing and the proliferation of boosted engines have been introduced. While successful these new technologies have caused harsher conditions at the interfaces between the engines moving components. The focus of this research is to develop advanced lubricant and surface technologies capable of exceling in current and future powertrain systems.
The friction generated at the interfaces of automotive components significantly contributes to vehicle inefficiency. Technologically advanced components such as the piston ring, cylinder liner and bearings are often only separated by adsorbed lubricant additive layers. The purpose of these lubricating films is to produce low friction and low wear. The film formation is controlled by the operating conditions and complex interaction between the lubricant molecular species and physio-mechanical properties of the surface.
The current research aims to optimise the adsorbed/bonded additives through devolving understanding of their formation and maintenance. The multiscale approach employs precision tribometry, atomic force microscopy, mass spectroscopy and engine testing. Through these methods the fundamental understanding of friction and vehicle efficiency can be improved.
This project is part funded by Capricorn Automotive, producers of advance engine technology for motorsport applications and BP Castrol world leading manufacturer of lubricants.
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Applicants should have:
- First class or good upper second class degree in mechanical /automotive engineering and physical Sciences.
- The applicant will join a large, well established research group and will require good inter-personal and networking skills for interactions with industrial partners.
- Aptitude for experimentation.
Funding information:
Please note that up to 4 studentships will be awarded on a competitive basis to applicants to this project and/or the following projects that have been prioritised for funding; job advert ref: NM180717, LZ190717, CL270717, PK200717, RM280717, TB281707 & SM280717.
If awarded, each 3 year studentship will provide a tax-free stipend of £14,553 p.a, plus tuition fees at the UK/EU rate (currently £4,195 p.a). This project is also partly funded by Industrial Partners BP Castrol and Capricorn Automotive who will fund 50% of the tuition fees at the EU/UK rate (£2,097), and contribute £7,276 towards a tax-free stipend for 3 years.
While we welcome applications from non EU nationals, please be advised that the total value of the studentship will be used towards tuition fees only (£20,500) and there will be no stipend available.
Successful candidates will be notified by 15/11/2017.
Contact details:
Informal enquires should be made to Dr. Nicholas Morris: [email protected] or Dr. Ramin Rahmani, [email protected]
How to apply:
All applications should be made online at Please quote the reference NM180717 on all correspondence and especially on the application form. Please ensure that you select ‘Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering’ under ‘Programme Name’ on the application form.