Instructor I (tenure track)
Historical and Philosophical Studies,History
Short info about job
Salary: Not specified
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Phone: +44-1295 3869354
Fax: +44-1557 1910217
E-mail: N\A
Site: N\A
Detail information about job Instructor I (tenure track). Terms and conditions vacancy
The Department of History at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver campus invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track Instructor whose scholarship concerns war, conflict, or mass violence in non-Western contexts. This position offers opportunities to pursue a career in teaching and educational leadership at the university level, with engagement in innovative curriculum design and pedagogy in a collaborative teaching and learning community.
The ideal candidate is a broadly-trained historian of the non-Western world, able to demonstrate an ability to design and teach innovative courses on war and its social, political, and/or cultural dimensions. The position entails a teaching load of six courses throughout the year (18 credits). This load comprises first-year undergraduate History courses with a global focus at UBC Vantage College as well as undergraduate courses at various levels (including third- and fourth-year) in the Department of History.
The incumbent’s academic appointment will be in the Department of History (, but they are expected to dedicate 2/3 of teaching workload towards the Arts stream of the University’s international program, Vantage College ( UBC Vantage College offers first-year curriculum in a cohort learning program to academically strong international students whose English language proficiency does not yet meet the English language requirements for direct admission into UBC. Students take courses in one of Vantage College’s four streams (Arts, Science, Engineering, or Management) before transferring into second year in their degree program. The primary goals of the Vantage College curriculum are: (1) to encourage students’ cultural, linguistic, and academic engagement in disciplinary communities and (2) to maximize students’ successful transition to year two in the Faculties of Arts, Science, Applied Science, or Management. Instructors in Vantage College work with peers from departments across faculties to develop, implement, and share innovative teaching practices and curricula.
Candidates must have a PhD before commencing the position and experience teaching undergraduate courses. Individuals with strong commitments and demonstrated potential to achieving excellence in teaching and academic supervision of undergraduate students, as well as to making substantial contributions to curriculum development and course design are especially encouraged to apply. Experience in teaching international students, engagement with professional associations supporting history education, and experience with collaborative teaching and learning initiatives, research in pedagogy, arts curriculum development, and the integration of innovative teaching practices and technologies into the curriculum are highly desirable. The successful candidate will be expected to maintain an excellent record of teaching, educational leadership, and service across both units.
As this is a tenure-track position, the successful candidate will be reviewed for reappointment, tenure, and promotion in subsequent years, in accordance with the Collective Agreement. For a description of the Instructor rank and criteria for reappointment and promotion, visit:
Applications are to be submitted online by 16 October 2017 through the UBC Faculty Careers website at: Applicants should be prepared to upload the following documents in the order listed: a letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and a 1 page statement identifying the applicant’s contributions, or potential contributions, to diversity, along with their ability to work with a culturally international student body. In addition, applicants should arrange to have three confidential, signed letters of reference sent in care of Ms. Janet Mui, [email protected], by the same deadline. Alternatively, the letters of reference may be mailed to: Ms. Janet Mui, Instructor Search, Department of History, University of British Columbia, 1297-1873 East Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada.
Enquiries about the position may be sent to the attention of: Dr. Arlene Sindelar, Chair, Instructor Search Committee, Department of History, University of British Columbia; [email protected]
Review of applications will begin soon after 16 October 2017 and will continue until the position is filled. This position is subject to final budgetary approval. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. The expected starting date is 1 July 2018.
Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Métis, Inuit, or Indigenous person. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
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