Research Associate in Machine Learning in Cardiology

All UK vacanciesAcademic or ResearchResearch Associate in Machine Learning in Cardiology

Health and Medical,Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology,Medical Technology,Mathematics and Statistics,Statistics,Computer Science,Computer Science

Short info about job

Company: King's College London

Department: Biomedical Engineering/Imagining Sciences and Biomedical Engineering

Salary: £33,518 to £39,992 Grade 6 p.a.

Hours: Full Time

Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

Type / Role: Academic or Research

Phone: +44-1297 1619903

Fax: +44-1524 8777221

E-mail: N\A


Detail information about job Research Associate in Machine Learning in Cardiology. Terms and conditions vacancy

The salary will be paid at Grade 6, £33,518 - £39,992 per annum, plus £2,623 per annum London Allowance.

This post will be fixed term contract for 1 year.

The management of cardiovascular conditions is in a continuous improvement driven by technological advances. Medical images and sensors present a detailed picture of the anatomy, and also the function, of the heart. And the therapies based either in drugs or devices (such as a pacemaker) are becoming more effective and efficient. We now have the opportunity to detect the disease in an earlier stage, to risk stratify each patient, and to plan the optimal timing and strategy of the treatment. Computational models and machine learning technology offer an ideal pathway to seize this opportunity, by integrating all the rich available information into a cohesive picture and unveiling the hidden patterns in this comprehensive picture, and by then allowing an individualised study of the diagnosis and prognosis.

In this context, the successful candidate will develop and validate technological solutions for an improved diagnosis and treatment of a cardiovascular condition called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM). The work will involve the development of tools for the automatic extraction of diagnostic information from images, the conduction of large scale studies to characterise the changes in the anatomy experienced in this condition, and the investigation of the mechanistic links between the geometry and the genotype and the function of the HCM hearts.

The successful candidate will integrate in the team of researchers in Oxford and London within the British Heart Foundation project titled “Improving risk stratification in HCM through a computational anatomical analysis of ventricular re-modelling”, and collaborate with the HCM Registry, a large international study across Europe and USA.

The selection process will include competency based questions and a panel interview.

Interviews are scheduled to be held the week commencing: late September 2018

To apply for this role, please go to the King’s College London HireWire Job Board and register to download and submit the specified application form.

The deadline for applications is midnight on 24 September 2017

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