Infrared Analyst
Agriculture, Food and Veterinary,Agriculture,Physical and Environmental Sciences,Chemistry,Information Management and Librarianship,Information Science
Short info about job
Company: The James Hutton Institute
Department: Environmental and Biochemical Sciences Group
Salary: £30,000 per annum (Hutton 6)
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Phone: +44-131 6170440
Fax: +44-1373 6041625
E-mail: N\A
Site: N\A
Detail information about job Infrared Analyst. Terms and conditions vacancy
2 years Fixed Term
Applications are invited for an Infrared Analyst; this post is expected to deliver work on a range of existing projects for Scottish Government and external agencies. The post will use IR applications (FTIR and NIR) for applied research focusing on soils, plants and/or crop products, and commercial analysis for a range of industries, including the oil and gas sector. Handheld IR spectroscopy is a technology this post will help develop. Ultimately, we expected the candidate to build an independent area of applied research, funded externally by grant applications and commercial analysis.
The ideal applicant will be educated to PhD level and have experience of IR analysis, including interpretation of spectra and use and maintenance of instrumentation, with a strong chemistry background. Knowledge of chemometrics and multivariate data analysis is also required. Although understanding the application of IR techniques to life sciences is not essential, this would be an asset particularly in relation to plant and crop analyses. Other key skills required include the ability to undertake commercial analysis and liaise effectively with clients/stakeholders, the ability to build external income, both through contract analysis and by applying for research grants and the ability to engage in knowledge exchange activities (from attendance at conferences to leading the publishing of work in peer review journals).
This post will be based in Aberdeen; there may be a requirement to travel between sites.
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