Translator \ Interpretor

Банк резюме РоссииПереводыTranslator \ Interpretor

Anna, 1983-08-25

Зарплата: 350 руб.

График работы: частичная занятость,

Опыт работы: более 5 лет

Образование: высшее

Регион: Москва

Телефон: +7 (906) 5682647

Факс: N\A

Эл. почта: N\A


О себе

Anna, 1983-08-25, Москва.

Обладаю умением формулировать и излагать мысли (письменно и устно) четко выполнять полученные инструкции. Хорошо воспитана, коммуникабельна, легко вступаю в контакты, не испытываю трудностей в общении. Способна работать самостоятельно, собирать и систематизировать информацию, аккуратна в работе с документацией. Не конфликтна, обладаю чувством юмора, психологически устойчива.

Specialization area: o spoken language o business correspondence and telephone conversations o business documents o turnkey construction of living and public objects (designing, expertise, geological surveys, construction-mounting works, finishing works, equipment and furniture supply, engineering services, Work Execution Plan) o development of oil and gas fields o drilling o manufacturing of industry welding, oil-gas, typography equipment (maintenance instructions, safety directions, advertising booklets, technical descriptions, spare tools lists, failure lists etc.) o publishing texts (texts for advertising, presentations, informational lists etc.) o translating and redacting of sites


  • 2000 - 2005: Department of Romanistic and Germanistic . Tyumen State University, , . Tyumen

Места работы

2008 - : Chief-specialist / Translator , Tyumen

Tyumen Regional Scientific Library
o translating during meetings with foreign partners
o meeting and accommodation of foreign specialists
o accompaniment of foreign specialist during the work

2006 - 2008: Translator; Director Assistant (English), Tyumen

Turkish construction company Yamata Yatyrym Insaat, a branch in the city of Tyumen
o Interpreting during meetings with customers, partners, contractors, clients; during seminars, trainings and other events for managers
o Accompaniment of expatriate experts to the sites (construction sites in the City of Tyumen and in Tyumen Region)
o Translating of business documentation and technical literature (contracts, agreements, reports, orders, manuals, drawings, instructions, regulations, e-mailing with customers, suppliers, contractors)

2006 - 2006: Secretary / Translator (English and German) , Salym Petroleum Development

German-Dutch drilling company KCA Deutag
o interpreting during meetings and appointments
o meeting and accommodation of foreign specialists
o accompaniment of foreign specialist to the objects (drilling sites and drilling rigs)
o written translating of business documentation and technical literature (contracts, agreements, employment duties, safety norms, every-day and every-quarter reports of toolpusher, instructions, drawings, direction)
o telephone conversation and e-mailing
o preparing of reports upon the results of working shift

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