Assistant Director, Membership (all Ireland)
Education Studies (inc. TEFL),Education Studies,PR, Marketing, Sales and Communication,Senior Management
Short info about job
Company: Leadership Foundation for Higher Education
Salary: £60,000 per annum, pro-rata
Hours: Part Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Phone: +44-1437 1395782
Fax: +44-1476 6039428
E-mail: N\A
Site: N\A
Detail information about job Assistant Director, Membership (all Ireland). Terms and conditions vacancy
0.4 FTE
We are seeking a senior professional to maintain and develop the Leadership Foundation’s relationships with higher education institutions and sector bodies in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and to develop the services we provide for them. You will be able to demonstrate excellent and up to date knowledge of higher education in both jurisdictions and in the UK, and have a well-established network of relevant contacts within HEIs in Ireland. Credibility at the most senior levels of higher education, and with academic and professional services communities, will be essential.
We are looking for someone with a track record of developing positive client relationships and excellent interpersonal and interpretive skills. Enthusiasm for and experience of leadership development, including delivery of leadership and/or strategic consultancy interventions, are essential.
The Leadership Foundation for Higher Education is a membership organisation established in 2004 to provide opportunities for the development of leadership, management and governance. Over 90% of the UK sector are in membership, and we have good engagement with universities, IoTs and sector bodies across Ireland.
We are particularly interested in applications from candidates proposing a part time secondment from a host institution/agency in Ireland, North or South. We shall also consider candidates on the basis of part time direct employment.
Further information about the Leadership Foundation’s work, and details of the post and how to apply are available at Interested candidates should review the full person specification by following the web-link above. Applications should be sent to [email protected] by no later than 12 noon on Monday 18 September 2017 and should comprise:
- A curriculum vitae
- A statement of how you meet the person specification
- A completed equal opportunities form
Applications will be acknowledged, and candidates will be advised as soon as possible whether they have been shortlisted. It is anticipated that interviews will be held on Tuesday 27 September 2017 in Dublin.