EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Photonic Integration & Advanced Data Storage
Biological Sciences,Other Biological Sciences,Physical and Environmental Sciences,Chemistry,Materials Science,Physics and Astronomy,Other Physical Sciences,Engineering and Technology,Chemical Engineering,Biotechnology,Other Engineering
Short info about job
Company: Queen's University Belfast
Department: Queen’s University Belfast – School of Maths and Physics. University of Glasgow – School of Engineering and School of Physics and Astronomy
Hours: Full Time
Type / Role: PhD
Phone: +44-1244 1696807
Fax: +44-1248 7157836
E-mail: N\A
Site: N\A
Detail information about job EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Photonic Integration & Advanced Data Storage. Terms and conditions vacancy
The CDT offers students a cutting-edge research environment to undertake a diverse and exciting range of topical doctoral research projects which cut across physics, materials and electrical and optical engineering through to applications as diverse as data storage and biosciences. Our doctoral programme provides a framework for student cohorts to be educated, trained and to learn from industry best practice in distributed working whilst developing specialist technical skills alongside innovation and business skills.We have an extensive range of Industrial Partners including (but not limited to) IQE, Compound Semiconductor Centre, Kaiam, Compound Semiconductor Technologies, Yelo, Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology and Cirdan.
There is one final position remaining for September 2017 entry (Requirements: UK/EU graduate with a minimum 2:1 degree). The successful candidate will be joining an international, multidisciplinary cohort with students from physics, chemistry, engineering and nanotechnology backgrounds.
The CDT programme operates a ‘1+3-year model.’ Click here for the programme syllabus.
Year 1
Students spend one semester at the University of Glasgow and one semester at Queen's University Belfast undertaking a suite of technical courses which are directly relevant to the Centre's research themes; these include nanofabrication, electronic devices, solid state physics, nano and atomic scale imaging, lasers and integrated optics, magnetic & electronic materials and plasmonic & optical materials.
Students carry out research projects at both institutions and spend time with industry partners. Students undertake group project activity in both semesters which introduces team and distributed working. They also complete a course created by Harvard Business School in Teamwork & Collaboration Skills in a Cross-Geographic Environment at Seagate Technologies.
They also carry out a three-week study period at The Innovation Academy in Dublin, which specialises in fostering interdisciplinary innovation and entrepreneurship skills among PhD researchers and leads to the award of a Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
In the summer of Year 1 students undergo a summer research project that can act as a precursor to the main doctoral research project which is completed in years 2- 4, or as a stand-alone research project.
Years 2 - 4
Students commence their 3-year principal doctoral project. All research projects are jointly supervised by staff from the University of Glasgow and Queen's University Belfast and are aligned to the Centre's five main research themes. Students are located at a particular site, either Belfast or Glasgow, depending on the basis of their chosen research topic.
Additional Funding/Opportunities
Directly-involved Industrial PhD Studentships are available and will be offered to the cohort competitively. Industrial Studentships may be carried out primarily onsite at the company or at either academic institute.
For the 2017 cohort starting in September, for instance, we have a very special opportunity for one student to carry-out their summer/PhD project with a Global Industrial Partner at their R&D site in Zurich (this will come with an enhanced student stipend).