PhD Studentship: Concussion Care and Neuro-Recovery, Psychology
Health and Medical,Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology,Nutrition,Social Sciences and Social Care,Sociology,Social Work,Sport and Leisure,Sports Science
Short info about job
Company: University of Exeter
Department: College of Life and Environmental Sciences
Hours: Full Time
Type / Role: PhD
Phone: +44-1297 5256927
Fax: +44-1369 9463317
E-mail: N\A
Site: N\A
Detail information about job PhD Studentship: Concussion Care and Neuro-Recovery, Psychology. Terms and conditions vacancy
The University of Exeter and the University of Queensland are seeking exceptional students to join a world-leading, cross-continental research team tackling major challenges facing the world’s population in global sustainability and wellbeing as part of the recently launched QUEX Institute.
The student will have the chance to study in the UK and Australia, and will graduate with a double degree from the University of Exeter and the University of Queensland.
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Academic supervisors:
Prof. Huw Williams (University of Exeter)
Dr Vincent Kelly (University of Queensland)
Project DescriptionSport is generally highly protective of health and well-being. However, athletes, parents, schools and sporting governing bodies of all contact sports worldwide are concerned that sports-related concussion (SRC) can reduce quality of health/life in current and retired athletes. Concern regarding SRC has been expressed through media and government bodies. In rugby, which is a sport with one of the highest level of concussion per player hour, the cases of Ben Robinson, a schoolboy who died after suffering repeated SRC, and Liz Partridge, a young Devon player who also died after repeated injury, have led to increased concerns over player safety. As well as such extreme acute effects, there has also been a growing concern over whether repeated concussions are linked with early dementia (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)). In response to such concerns at the professional level, regulators have initiated changes to rules to mitigate such risk (e.g. tackling, guidance on graduated return to play (GRTP) following recovery). However, it is acknowledged that guidelines for GRTP lack a coherent evidence base, and are not individualised as they might be.
To investigate the prevalence and potential mechanisms of chronic brain injury the proposed PhD will utilize high level neuroimaging, neurocognitive testing, physiological, bio-mechanical and blood (Tau) marker signs of injury in a large group of player participants. Longitudinal measures will be taken during pre-season training and then at intervals through the season, with involvement (alongside concussion clinic) of testing of any in-season concussion, and post-season.
A key goal will be to develop a battery of tests to create individual player biometric passports that can be used to identify quantitative measures that predict when it is safe to return to play. Populations available for this work include elite University Rugby players (UoE and UQ), academy players and current professional players of rugby (including Exeter Chiefs and Brisbane Broncos). In the latter stages the PhD will examine whether supplementation with nutraceuticals such as flavonoids is able to hasten recovery from concussion. Animal studies and one human Phase II trial suggest that flavonoids hasten recovery from traumatic brain injury. However, this has not been assessed in sport concussion.
In conjunction with determining markers of damage the studentship will also involve designing methods for the analysis of risk (exposure to concussion) and examining protective factors (social networks; diet & exercise; return to play paradigm) which mitigate the risk in current functions in athletes.
Full tuition fees, stipend of £15,000 p.a, travel funds of up to £15,000, and RTSG of £3,000 are available over the 3 year programme.