Lecturer in Library Science (Documentation of Art and Performance)
Information Management and Librarianship,Librarianship,Information Science
Short info about job
Company: City, University of London
Department: School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering
Salary: £36,613 to £42,418
Hours: Part Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Phone: +44-1557 3066253
Fax: +44-1570 1849792
E-mail: N\A
Site: N\A
Detail information about job Lecturer in Library Science (Documentation of Art and Performance). Terms and conditions vacancy
City, University of London is a global university committed to academic excellence with a focus on business and the professions and an enviable central London location.
City attracts around 19,500 students (35% postgraduate), is top in London for student satisfaction (Complete University Guide), well above the sector average for graduate employability in most subjects and eleventh in the UK for starting salaries. City joined the University of London in 2016.
In the last REF, City doubled the proportion of its total academic staff producing world-leading or internationally excellent research.
Led by President, Professor Sir Paul Curran, City has made significant investments in its academic staff, its estate and its infrastructure and continues to work towards realising its vision of being a leading global university: it has recently agreed a new Vision & Strategy 2026.
Department of Library & Information Science
The Centre for Information Science was established by Jason Farradane in 1961 and the first master’s degree in Information Science was introduced in 1966. The tradition of excellence in education is maintained within the Department of Library & Information Science, known as CityLIS, which offers master’s degrees in both Library Science and Information Science. Research is focused on the communication of recorded information. The Centre specialises in the conceptual issues that underlie all aspects of the information society, specifically, practice in libraries, archives, museums, galleries and other information spaces; and emphasises ethical issues related to information.
The appointed Lecturer will re-examine and extend the boundaries of Library & Information Science by incorporating an interdisciplinary viewpoint and bringing a new perspective on documents and documentation from the performing arts; and will identify new ways of interpreting and representing the academic and professional aspects of the Centre’s research to attract new audiences and enhance the relevance of Library & Information Science within the School, City and wider community. He or she will have published research of world-leading or internationally excellent quality; will be expected to obtain funding to enhance research of such quality; and will contribute to postgraduate education and the running of the Department.
Additional Information
City offers a sector-leading salary, pension scheme and benefits including a comprehensive package of staff training and development.
The role is available from 9 October 2017 or earlier by negotiation.
Closing date: 15 September 2017
Interviews are scheduled for 25 September 2017
Actively working to promote equal opportunity and diversity.
Academic excellence for business and the professions.