Post-doc Position in Psycholinguistics
Psychology,Languages, Literature and Culture,Linguistics
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Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
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Detail information about job Post-doc Position in Psycholinguistics. Terms and conditions vacancy
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Post-doc Position in Psycholinguistics
The Language Acquisition and Language Processing Lab at the Department of Language and Literature of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology invites applications from qualified individuals for a 2-year postdoc position.
The DepartmentThe Department of Language and Literature (ISL) is part of the Faculty of Humanities at Dragvoll campus in Trondheim. The Department has more than 80 permanent academic staff and approximately 25 PhD candidates. The Department of Language and Literature offers studies on all levels from BA to PhD. ISL has a lively research environment, and is responsible for several large-scale research projects. Information on the academic profile of the department, management and staff can be found at
The LabThe position is affiliated with the Language Acquisition and Language Processing Lab. The Lab is dedicated to basic research on language processing, using behavioral and neural methods, and on first and second language acquisition in diverse populations. The Lab operates advanced research equipment: an SR Research EyeLink 1000 eye-tracker, a Tobii T120 eye-tracker, a T60 XL wide-screen eye-tracker, a state-of-the art 64-channel EEG. The research group at the Lab has attracted several large-scale research grants from the EU (FP7, Horizon2020), the Norwegian Research Council, and other Nordic funding sources. More information can be found here:
The positionThe LALP Lab is seeking to hire a postdoctoral researcher with expertise in experimental design, and in recording and analyzing EEG/ERP data on language processing in infants, children or adults. Candidates with a computational modeling background, who are willing to apply their skills to modeling language-related neural processes and EEG/ERP signals will also be considered. The 2-year postdoc position is funded by the Research Council of Norway (NFR) and is part of the project ORIGO Origins of Semantic Composition in Early Cognitive Development, led by Giosuè Baggio (
Main tasksThe successful applicant will
- design experiments and recruit participants;
- collect and analyse data, and write up results for publication;
- participate in workshops and conferences, both nationally and internationally;
- participate in dissemination activities and events connected to ORIGO or the Lab.
QualificationsThe successful applicant must
- hold a PhD degree in cognitive (neuro)science, psychology, linguistics or equivalent;
- possess expertise either (a) in experimental research on language, preferably using EEG/ERPs, or (b) in computational research on language, preferably on modeling EEG or ERP data on language comprehension;
- have an active research portfolio, as testified by publications in peer-reviewed journals;
- possess relevant programming skills (e.g., Matlab, R), as well as specific expertise in statistical analyses of large, multi-dimensional experimental or simulated data sets;
- possess skills in research communication (writing, conference presentation) in English.
Knowledge of a Scandinavian language will weigh in favor of the applicant, all other requirements and qualifications being met.
ApplicationApplications must be marked with the file number for the position HF17-040, and submitted electronically through the website Jobbnorge ( Applications that are not sent through Jobbnorge and/or are sent after the application deadline will not be taken into consideration. The application must further include:
- a motivation letter;
- a CV (including information about education, training and previous employment);
- a list of all publications, invited talks, conference presentations, posters etc.;
- the names and addresses of three referees;
- certified copies of certificates and diplomas;
- details of pedagogical qualifications in accordance with the relevant guidelines (‘Documentation of an applicant’s pedagogical qualifications’) which can be downloaded from the following address:
Applicants who are considered for the position, may be asked for references and will be called in for an interview.
Terms of appointmentThe position of postdoc is placed within code 1352 of the State salary regulations, and is remunerated according to salary level 57 in the national salary scheme, gross 490.900 NOK – per year. Two percent of the gross salary is deducted and paid into the State Pension scheme. Preferred starting date is January 15, 2018. Workplace is NTNU Dragvoll, Trondheim.
The appointment will be made in accordance with regulations for fellowship appointments at universities, and with regulations concerning State Employees and Civil Servants. A contract will be drawn up detailing the period of appointment and required duties. It is a major political objective to achieve a balance of age and gender in the national labor force and to recruit persons with a diverse background. Candidates who fit the latter description are encouraged to apply. You may request to have your name withheld from public access. If you wish to do so, you must explain why your application should be treated as confidential. If you request that your name be withheld from public access, your request will be considered in relation to the Open File Act § 25. If your request to have your name kept from public access is denied, you will be so informed and you will be given the opportunity to withdraw your application.
For further informationContact Prof. Giosuè Baggio (email: [email protected]) or Department Head Professor Annlaug Bjørsnøs (email: [email protected]). Questions about the application process can be directed to HR advisor Åse Marit Skarholt (email: [email protected]).
The application deadline is October 15, 2017.
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