PhD Studentship: Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher - Molecular Dynamic and Monte Carlo Study of Water in Hydrates During Desorption and Re-sorption
Physical and Environmental Sciences,Chemistry,Materials Science,Physics and Astronomy,Mathematics and Statistics,Mathematics,Computer Science,Computer Science,Engineering and Technology,Civil Engineering
Short info about job
Company: University of Surrey
Department: Department of Physics
Hours: Full Time
Type / Role: PhD
Phone: +44-1205 1809967
Fax: +44-1226 4260742
E-mail: N\A
Site: N\A
Detail information about job PhD Studentship: Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher - Molecular Dynamic and Monte Carlo Study of Water in Hydrates During Desorption and Re-sorption. Terms and conditions vacancy
A PhD funded by the MC initial training network ERICA (GA no. 764691) is available in the Department of Physics at the University of Surrey.
The title of the PhD is “Molecular Dynamic and Monte Carlo Study of Water in Hydrates During Desorption and Re-sorption”.
The project has two objectives: (i) starting with molecular dynamics (MD) hydrate structures from elsewhere, to explore structural changes seen in MD as water is systematically removed from the system, and to see whether these MD structures go on to show the reversible and irreversible changes after re-wetting seen in experiment; (ii) to use the MD results to parametrise a Monte Carlo model of water sorption in hydrates built using the “Etzold continuous sheet model” and in particular to introduce structural relaxation into the “Etzold model” so as to create a platform for larger scale transport studies.
Further details including a description of the ERICA project is available at
These posts are part of “Engineered Calcium-Silicate-Hydrates for Applications”, a project funded by the European Union under the. Horizon 2020 – Marie Sklodowska-Curie - Innovative Training Network.
The student taking this project can expect
- To receive broad spectrum advanced training in materials science and engineering appropriate to cement based materials.
- To receive broad spectrum training in professional skills relevant to a research career either in academia or industry.
- To engage actively with the European wide cement science consortium Nanocem that will present opportunities for networking leading to future career enhancement.
- To benefit from travel to and placements at partner organisations throughout the course of the PhD that will advance the research and researcher experience.
The project is funded by the EC Marie Curie Training network ERICA. For each project, full funding according to Horizon 2020 work programme 2016-2017 for Marie Curie Sklodowska-Curie action (PDF) is available for at least 3 years for eligible candidates. Full eligibility criteria can be found here but in most cases EC students may take a project in a country other than their own country / country of first degree.
Applications are welcomed from prospective students with a good Masters Level degree or equivalent in any of Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, Civil Engineering or related subject.
Further details including a description of all the projects are available at
Applications should be received by 8th September 2017. Recruitment events will be held in October 2017 for project starts between November 2017 and January 2018.
Further details:
For more information and to apply online, please download the further details and click on the 'apply online' button above. We acknowledge, understand and embrace diversity.