PhD Project: Quantum simulation of Light-induced Chemistry and Electronic Friction Effects at Metal Surfaces
Physical and Environmental Sciences,Chemistry,Computer Science,Computer Science,Software Engineering,Engineering and Technology,Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Short info about job
Company: University of Warwick
Hours: Full Time
Type / Role: PhD
Phone: +44-1445 4278594
Fax: +44-1474 8078491
E-mail: N\A
Site: N\A
Detail information about job PhD Project: Quantum simulation of Light-induced Chemistry and Electronic Friction Effects at Metal Surfaces. Terms and conditions vacancy
Supervisor: Dr. Reinhard J. Maurer
Funding availability: EU/UK (funded)
Project description: A Ph.D studentship is available with the earliest possible start date in November 2017.
The project will involve the quantum theoretical study of light-induced chemical reactions in industrially-relevant heterogeneous catalysis and gas-surface dynamics. Newly developed efficient quantum dynamics simulation methods and high-performance supercomputing infrastructure will be used to study the role of light-matter interaction and molecule-surface energy transport in controlling chemical reactions at metal surfaces. The thereby gained understanding will guide the development of efficient light-assisted alternatives to industrial processes ranging from CO2 capture to Carbon-Carbon coupling reactions. Depending on the student’s interests, fundamental computational method development work can be a large part of this project.
Requirements: This studentship is open to UK or EU Nationals (fees paid, plus tax-free stipend - currently £ 14,553 per annum). Applicants should have an honours/Masters in chemistry. Prior experience in quantum chemistry and software development (e.g. Python) is desirable, but not essential. The successful candidate will be extensively trained in highly career-relevant molecular modelling and data analytics methods.
How to apply: Please direct informal enquiries and requests for further information to Dr. Reinhard Maurer ([email protected]). Please include your CV and a brief explanation of your interests in the research area of the studentship. Research group information is available at
Details on the formal application procedure can be found at