ООО ХОО Элит секьюрити

ООО ХОО Элит секьюрити

Регион: Владимирская область

Адрес: Владимир

Телефон: +79167096614, +79851189787

Факс: +7 (962) 1656433

Эл. почта: [email protected]


График работы:

Реквизиты ООО ХОО Элит секьюрити: инн, кпп, окопф, окогу, окпо, огрн, окато

ОГРН: 6116058349249

ИНН: 3805358886

КПП: 558102416

ОКПО: 75000610

ОКАТО: 52519836426

ОКОПФ: 66129

Выписка из ЕГРЮЛ ООО ХОО Элит секьюрити онлайн

Physical Guarding

Elite Security’s services are focused on but not limited to physical property and personal protection.

The company provides armed and unarmed Executive Protection officers and security-trained drivers with executive class vehicles such as Mercedes S and G class, Audi, BMW, etc.

Regardless of the environment, Elite Security’s officers have the training and expertise to deal with any type of threatening situation, including providing personal protection, deterring disorderly conduct and managing crowd control for events. We can help you determine whether an armed оr unarmed security officer best meets your needs.

Therefore, Elite Security is able to confidently undertake virtually any security assignment for Manned Guarding and Executive Protection within Russia and the Former Soviet Union. The company has been engaged to undertake numerous tasks on behalf of many prestigious foreign and Russian blue chip clients.

Elite Security provides a ‘One Stop Shop’ for security services in Russia today.

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